Sunday, November 1, 2009

Deciding to Move to a Custom Domain

If you are starting a fresh blog, then publishing it on a custom domain straight-away is not much of a problem. If you already own a domain or do not want to use the domain, then switching to a custom domain right at the beginning is a safer and simpler method.

If, however, your blog has been running for a while under and has incoming links, some PageRank and also installed third party widgets, then moving to a custom domain needs some planning.

First, let’s have a look at some reasons that will make going for a custom domain worthwhile.

  • Independent domain – Unlike a URL which is just a sub-domain under BlogSpot, a custom domain gives the chance to publish at an independent domain
  • Ability to integrate with an existing domain – If you already have a web site, say at, then a custom domain gives the chance to integrate your blog to the same domain, say at
  • Intangible asset – In this information age, a popular domain is a valuable asset. So if you own a custom domain and your blog ramps up in popularity, that is added value for you
  • Good for branding – If you are using the blog for some business/freelance activity, then a custom domain related to your business brand is better than a URL
Once you decide that you want to go for a custom domain, the next step is to prepare a checklist of things to do for the transition, which is going to be the focus of the next article in this series.