Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog Widget - Part 4

The Blog Widget is what controls all the posts and their comments in Blogger blogs. Hence, it is obviously the most important widget in Blogger.

This is the fourth in a series of articles covering the details of the Blog widget. In part three, we studied the comments section and in this one, we will dig in to the details of the next, previous posts and feed subscription links. These are the links that appear at the bottom of the posts column.

The above figure shows a typical display of these links at the end of the posts on a given page.

The light blue shading shows the area in which Newer Posts and Older Posts links appear. The behavior of this section is defined by the includable section with the id nextprev. It optionally contains a link to the blog’s home page when viewing pages other than the home page.

The feedLinks includable, highlighted in orange, is what displays the “Subscribe to:” link. When the blog’s home page is viewed, this section displays the link to the posts feed and in individual pages, it carries the post comments feed link.

The illustration above has a mapping of the actual includable sections in the Blogger template to how they are visually displayed when a blog is loaded in a browser window. That should help the more curious readers to open their templates in Edit HTML mode and investigate further.

So far we have covered all the major sections of the Blog Widget other than the most crucial section; i.e. the main includable. Let’s have a go at that in the next article.